Monday, January 22, 2018

Who is Guiding Your Journey?

The Lord God, YHWH, has an individual plan for the lives of each of His children. Part of the journey of life is not knowing exactly where He will take us next. This requires us to continually exercise faith and trust, which in turn is part of the sanctification process of being conformed into the image of our Lord and Savior, Jesus—God the Son.

There is no question about whether this journey will happen in the lives of His children. The only question is, are you one of His? Life is full of the unknown. Are you secure in the confidence that the things that happen in your life are being orchestrated for a good purpose (Romans 8:28) by the loving, personal God of the universe, with a master plan and assured guarantee of ultimate victory? Or are you left to face the reality of the uncertainty of life alone, without a hope of an assured destination, justice, salvation, or victory?

Good will triumph over evil in the end because the preeminence of God is beyond dispute. Do you want to be included in His plans and be destined for eternal good? Or do you want to reject Him and choose your own path, be left to your own devices, and face your own fate?

His plans were set before the foundation of the world was laid (Ephesians 1:4, 1 Peter 1:20, Revelation 13:8), and they will come to pass, yet He gives us the freedom to choose if we want to be involved in His good plans or go our own way (Joshua 24:15, John 1:12, Romans 10:13). It is a harmonious dichotomy that defies human understanding. But what should we expect from an infinitely complex Creator; a Being whose mind and power created the universe itself and the physical laws that govern it, which are the mysteries that we ourselves seek to understand?

Grace and peace.

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