Monday, January 22, 2018

The Only God-Ordained Path

All human belief systems, commonly called religions, are artificial attempts for mankind to reach the divine, with the exception of two. What humanity calls Christianity, which the Bible calls the New Covenant, is a fulfillment of what humanity calls Judaism, which the Bible calls the Old Covenant, which are both God's (YHWH's) ordained initiatives to reach mankind.

God ordains the way in which people are to approach Him. In our natural, pre-regenerate state, we are separated from Him by our sin. It has been this way ever since the original humans rebelled against Him, and broke the moral perfection and Divine unity in which they were created. God has initiated restoration with humanity over the millennia through a progressive series of covenants and works, which He has made and accomplished. Originally, these started not as codified belief systems, but rather a set of promises from God in which those who desired to follow Him were to place their faith.

He started the process in His covenant with Adam and Eve (the Adamic Covenant) in Genesis 3:15, wherein He promised to send a Savior (the seed of the woman) who would crush the head, or defeat in finality, the Devil (the serpent). He then expanded His promise to save and restore humanity in His covenant with Noah (the Noahic Covenant), in Genesis 8:21-9:17. He then clarified and focused His plan for mankind's redemption in His covenant with Abraham (the Abrahamic Covenant) in Genesis 12:1-3, which He expanded in later passages of Scripture. He then confirmed His promises, plans, and expected responses with Moses and the Israelites (the Mosaic, or Sinai Covenant) in the Law, which became the first codification of a God-ordained belief system of understanding Him and His will and prescribed path, which the world knows as ancient Judaism. He later expanded and clarified His plan to send a Savior to restore humanity in His promises to King David (the Davidic Covenant). Finally, after the redemptive work of Christ (Jesus) was completed through His death and resurrection, YHWH God established the New Covenant as His ultimate prescribed initiative by which humanity is to be restored to Him in communion. This New Covenant was codified in His Word as the teachings and beliefs of what the world knows as classical Christianity.

The New Covenant is a fulfillment of the Old, or more specifically, the Mosaic. While Judaism and Christianity both bare semblances of religion, they are not artificial constructs but rather God-ordained revelations of His nature, methods, plans, works, and expectations. They both have calls to action on the part of humanity to believe in Him and have faith in His promises. The latter has replaced the former as His only prescribed path to fellowship with Him. This was His plan from the beginning, revealed over time to an unregenerate humanity.

I exhort you to reconcile the truth of these revelations in your hearts and minds if you have not done so already. If you have, then be encouraged that your faith is based in the reality of God's work to reach mankind, not in the false trappings of human attempts to reach God.

Grace and peace.

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