Sunday, May 7, 2017

The Last Days: The Drama Unfolds (Part 1 of 4)

This is the first in a four-part series titled "The Last Days." This entry, part one, represents a foray into fiction for me, which is a different format for this forum. What follows is a dramatization of Biblically prophetic events, the bases of which are pulled from multiple books of the Bible. Part two will explain this dramatization, in terms of where it occurs in the prophetic timeline, how and why specific details such as timetables and locations were selected, and what source material was used, citing Biblical references. Part three will give an overview of various views and terms related to Biblical eschatology (the study of end times prophecy). Part four will provide a non-dramatic outline of end times chronology, based upon my best understanding from years of research. I recognize that many different views of Biblical prophecy exist. This is just one possible scenario that closely aligns with my vision of how events might unfold. This is fiction, based upon real prophecies, and is not authoritative or exhaustive. I do believe that the eschatological prophecies of the Bible will occur as literal events, however, I do not claim to know the details of exactly how all the events will unfold; no one really does, nor should they honestly make such a claim. In short, the following material is not to be taken as Biblical, doctrinal, or theological truth, although it is a fictional dramatization of said truths; nor does the author claim that is should be taken as such. That said, I do hope you enjoy this dramatic scenario of... The Last Days.

In the not too distant future...

Day 1:

World News Update Today

We're back now, after the chaotic and climactic events that occurred yesterday. We apologize for not publishing an update yesterday; some critical individuals couldn't be located. But we promise that won't happen again. As a result, we'll start with a brief recap of yesterday's newsworthy events before moving onto an overview of today's happenings.

The Middle East took center stage yesterday as the flashpoint of what some people are now referring to as World War III. For awhile prior, military forces from Russia, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, and Libya had been mobilizing around Israel. For reasons unknown to this agency, the trigger was pulled when these combined military forces launched a surprise attack upon the Jewish State. Simultaneously, the conflict escalated when the United States and Russia launched multiple cruise missile and limited tactical nuclear strikes upon military and industrial targets within one another's national boundaries. Observers of broadcasted footage showing devastation along the Atlantic Seaboard have described the attacks as if "fire was being sent down upon the coastlands." The resulting destruction to American and Russian key cities and military facilities has left both nations essentially in a state of chaos and dysfunction, with collapsed national economies and major disruptions of civil services. This led to a global economic crisis on a scale unseen before. The attack upon Israel was abruptly halted with devastating Israeli tactical nuclear strikes upon Damascus, and other selected industrial and military targets within the home territories of the invading forces, as well as tactical nuclear strikes upon the assembled forces themselves before they reached major population centers within Israel.

Also of note yesterday, and we would be remiss not to mention it, were the large-scale, unexplained disappearances of people from around the world. All nations have reported people missing from what seems to be a singular event. Some high ranking intelligence and government officials initially reported the vanishings as a coordinated evacuation by extra-terrestrials, but the reports were uncorroborated and were quickly retracted and silenced. Investigations are reportedly still ongoing.

Now to today's events. In the wake of the recent Mid-East War, a previously obscure politician from the European Union has stepped forward to fill the leadership void following the destruction of Washington and Moscow, and has confirmed a new peace treaty between Israel and all formerly hostile Mid-East governments. As part of the brokered treaty, Israel has agreed to allow the creation of a Palestinian state, and in exchange, all former belligerents have agreed to cease all future armed hostilities. In addition, Israel has been authorized to build, and has begun construction on, a new Jewish temple, being called the Third Temple by Jewish religious leaders, on the ancient Temple Mount in close proximity to the Dome of the Rock.

This same bringer of peace has also formed a new world government, with the confirmed approval of a majority vote in the United Nations which hastily assembled in Brussels, to usher in a new era of progress and prosperity for humanity. This new Earth Gov, as it's being called, has so far confirmed the unification of all the member states of the European Union, as well as all non-EU states on the European mainland (excepting Russia), the United Kingdom, all of North America, including Canada, Mexico, and what remains of the United States, most of Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, most of southern and western Africa, India, Japan, South Korea, and many other states on the Asian continent and in the Pacific. China has remained independent for the time being, as well as the provisional Russian government, and certain other various nations. The new world leader, or the Leader as he is simply being called, has vowed to crush all forms of terrorism globally, and resoundingly defeat any tyrants, despots, or oppressors who violate basic human rights wherever they may be found using the full force and strength of the united Earth Gov and its collective resources. Rome has been selected as the initial capital of the Earth Gov, due to its historic significance and symbolism.

Also in the news today, leaders of the world's two largest religions, Christianity and Islam, came together, along with representatives from other religions including Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and more, to agree to put aside their differences and work together for the spiritual betterment of humanity. Declaring that each religion ultimately seeks to understand the same God, or higher power, or universal force but in different ways, they all pledged to pursue a common ecumenical, interfaith cooperation. For the time being, Rome has also been selected as the seat of assembly for the new Human Interfaith Movement, due to its existing religious recognition and infrastructure, and in a symbolic gesture of unity with the Earth Gov.

Lastly, we have two final items to cover, again coming from the Middle East. Israel has announced that they expect that the fallout cleanup efforts from their recent war should take no more than fourteen hours to complete, and the weapons that were left behind by defeated and retreating forces should provide for their energy needs for the next seven days. There are also reports coming from Jerusalem of two individuals calling themselves prophets, or witnesses, who have begun preaching about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the streets, and supposedly performing miraculous signs or magic tricks to the bewilderment of the local population. These reports are, as of yet, unconfirmed and are being investigated.

That concludes today's edition.

Day 2:

World News Update Today

War raged across the globe today as Earth Gov conducts what it has claimed is a necessary campaign to rid the world of terrorists, insurrectionists, guerrilla factions, organized criminal and illicit substance cartels, rebel factions, and opposing rogue state forces. The Leader has promised to free humanity from terror and oppression, and protect civilization from all threats, both internal and external. There are reports of weapons of mass destruction having been used in multiple locations on all sides.

The economic turmoil that started with the collapse of the American and Russian states two days ago continued to escalate today as the economies of nations within and without the alliance struggled to maintain functionality. Earth Gov is scrambling to restore economic order but critical shortages of food, fuel, and other essential materials are being reported world-wide as production and distribution systems are disrupted globally. Earth Gov has relocated and consolidated centralized government and economic control centers to its new capital in Iraq, within the recently rebuilt and expanded city of Babylon near the former Iraqi capital of Baghdad.

The environment has been affected by nuclear and conventional fallout and seismic activity resulting from current widespread bombings and recent nuclear detonations. There are reports of devastating earthquakes, and widespread destruction of crops and food stores. Famine and disease have spread on an epidemic scale due to food and medical shortages, as well as production and distribution disruptions. Animal attacks on humans, especially in rural areas, have increased due to destruction of habitats and loss of food sources. The Leader has promised to focus all efforts upon restoring critical services and supplies. The most recent reports show that death has reduced the global human population by approximately one-quarter of its level from two days ago, either directly or indirectly as a result of war, famine, and pestilence.

Splinter religious groups claiming to be the true remnants of Christianity have refused to acknowledge the legitimacy and authority of the Leader and Earth Gov, and are rebelling against the government sanctioned unity of the Human Interfaith Movement by holding unauthorized assemblies and spreading dangerous teachings that are contrary to the unity of Interfaith. These groups are being condemned as heretics by the leaders of Interfaith, most especially by those leaders who previously represented Christianity. Earth Gov has been asked, and has agreed, to label these groups and anyone identifying with them as enemies of human progress and unity and, therefore, as enemies of the state. They have been declared subversive and are being arrested and incarcerated. Any resisters are being met with deadly force.

Construction of the Jewish Third Temple in Israel has been completed. Animal rights groups have protested as sacrifices are being conducted in accordance with the prescribed ancient practices of the Jewish Torah. Earth Gov and Interfaith are officially tolerating these religious ceremonies and sacrifices however, as both the civil and religious leaders in Israel have pledged support for the Leader and Earth Gov, and have agreed not to proselytize beyond the confines of their own ethnicity.

That concludes today's edition.

Day 3:

World News Update Today

The Earth Gov campaign to unify humanity has concluded with the defeat of all rogue states and nearly all rebel factions. The remaining independent nations have pledged non-aggression with the alliance. Earth Gov has now turned its attention to eliminating its one remaining opposition group, the splinter parties claiming to be true Christians who refuse to submit to Interfaith. Arrests, trials, convictions, and executions for subversion, and as enemies of humanity, for rejecting both atheism and Interfaith, the only two legal options, of those identified with this group are being conducted on all continents.

Reports from Israel claim that approximately 144,000 Jews, biologically descended from the 12 tribes, are spreading a message that the historical Jesus of Nazareth is the Jewish Messiah, and that he came before to establish a spiritual kingdom, and that he will be returning to earth again soon to establish a physical kingdom. This message has been officially rejected by the civil and religious leadership in Israel and the 144,000 have been disavowed by the state. Earth Gov is attempting to apprehend these individuals, but so far, all have eluded capture and are continuing to spread their message.

Massive, unstable seismic activity, possibly triggered in part by the numerous nuclear detonations over the past few days, have continued to cause earthquakes, and even multiple volcanic eruptions. These volcanic eruptions have thrown fiery ash and debris into the air and started forest fires and wildfires globally. Some estimates have stated that as much as one-third of the trees and most, if not all, of the wild grasslands have been consumed by the fires.

A previously undetected asteroid collided with earth today. Upon impact with the atmosphere, the asteroid split in two, with the larger portion landing in the Pacific Ocean, and the smaller portion changing trajectory and breaking apart into countless pieces which rained down across a wide zone falling on land and other waterways. The ocean impact is estimated to have caused the destruction of approximately one-third of the world's ships, and also killed one-third of the world's aquatic life due to contamination from the release of toxic elements within the asteroid. The release of toxins from within the debris field spread by the breakup of the smaller piece has contaminated approximately one-third of the world's surface fresh water. One report has likened the contaminated water to wormwood, due to its bitter taste and potentially poisonous effects if ingested in any substantial amounts.

Atmospheric pollution from nuclear fallout, volcanic eruptions, raging fires, and the asteroid collision, have caused a darkening effect, reducing the light from the sun and other celestial bodies from penetrating to the earth by approximately one-third.

That concludes today's edition.

Day 4:

World News Update Today

First 12 Hours:

Operation Apollyon was initiated at the start of the day. An airborne viral bio-agent was released by helicopters in different parts of the globe, engineered to combat various insects that had become resistant to traditional pesticides and had been devouring what remained of vital food crops. Almost immediately, the agent mutated into a new strain and aggressively spread to local human populations. Reports of experiencing tormenting pain similar to that of severe scorpion stings were received from people who were infected. It is now being referred to as the Locust Virus due to its ravaging effects upon local human populations with whom it came in contact. Reports have surfaced of infected people who were unable to die, despite having suffered mortal wounds in some cases, and persisted in a state of almost living death. One eyewitness stated that people were "desiring to die and seeking death" through various means due to their tormented conditions. Investigations of these reports are ongoing. The Locust Virus itself died off on its own within a human host after the tenth hour of the day, regardless of the time of infection. Those who were not otherwise mortally wounded recovered, and those who were so wounded eventually died after the virus, which apparently kept them alive and in torment, concluded its cycle. The entire outbreak lasted about 10 hours and apparently ran its course as all remaining viral strains died on their own.

China launched a land invasion of many of its neighboring states, unleashing a military force estimated at 200,000,000 strong, mobilized in battle tanks, armored vehicles, and even on horseback. It even invaded Russian territory to the north and Indian territory to the southwest. Earth Gov did not provide an explanation for the attacks, and appeared to be either unable or unwilling to respond in force with the bulk of its military, and instead allowed the local military forces of both independent and allied states in Asia to contend with China's onslaught. Some rumors circulated that Earth Gov might have been attempting to appease China by surrendering much of Eastern Asia in the hope that China could be contained; others speculated that Earth Gov simply desired to avoid further ecological damage or even a complete nuclear holocaust. With some of these areas having represented the most densely populated human territory on earth, the death toll has been catastrophic. It is estimated that an additional one-third of the remaining human population has died. The human population remaining alive is now equal to approximately one-half of its total from four days ago.

Israel reported a decrease in immigration today. For the past three days, masses of people claiming Jewish ancestry have been immigrating to Israel prompted by a worldwide broadcast from the Israeli government, made after the Leader enforced peace with its neighboring states, inviting Jews to come home. Earth Gov has also made efforts to encourage and promote this migration.

As this report is being finished, the Leader has just arrived in Jerusalem and is scheduled to make a surprise announcement that Earth Gov is claiming will change everything. We will publish this report now and then a special report capturing the Leader's announcement and the rest of today's events will be published at the end of the day.

This concludes the first half of today's edition.

Day 4:

World News Update Today

Last 12 Hours:

At exactly midday today, at the time expected for his announcement that Earth Gov claimed would change everything, the Leader, flanked by Earth Gov military forces, forcibly entered the innermost sanctum, called the Holy of Holies or the Most Holy Place, of the Third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. While being broadcast live to the world, the Leader sat down upon the covering, called the Mercy Seat, of the recently re-discovered ancient Jewish artifact known as the Ark of the Covenant. In what has been described by some Jewish religious leaders as an "abomination of desolation," the Leader proceeded to order the cessation of all Jewish temple sacrifices, and declared himself to be the god of humanity. Following his decree, he immediately ordered the execution of the two Jewish prophets who had been preaching in Jerusalem and performing what appeared to be supernatural signs for the previous three-and-a-half days. The orders were immediately carried out; Earth Gov forces stopped all temple sacrifices and executed the two prophets in the street. Immediately following the execution, which was broadcast globally, Interfaith leaders declared a holiday of celebration and gift giving. The world watched as the bodies of these two remained dead and laid on the street for 14 minutes and then began breathing again and rose up to stand on their feet. As the assembled crowd watched with a look of fear on their faces, a loud voice was heard which proclaimed, "Come up here," and their bodies rose up into the clouds and vanished. Immediately following was an earthquake which destroyed approximately one-tenth of Jerusalem.

Following these events, Interfaith and Earth Gov jointly announced that all religions were being fully integrated into a single unified system, the tenets of which already existed in the official doctrines of Interfaith. They further declared that all independent religions were to be abolished and would no longer be sanctioned. They also announced the appointment of a new religious figurehead, with the official title of Interfaith Prophet, or simply the Prophet. This individual would serve under the authority of the Leader and speak with the full authority of Interfaith, to be the spiritual guide of humanity as it progresses into the future. As his first official act, the Prophet declared that the Leader was the the long awaited Jewish Messiah, the true Christ of Christianity returned in spirit, and the anticipated Twelfth Imam of Islam, and was to be worshipped as a god by all of humanity. He then declared, with the might of Earth Gov as support, that any disloyal citizens refusing to do so would be executed. As evidence of his authority, the Prophet began performing what appeared to be supernatural signs and wonders, similar to the two Jewish prophets that had just departed. In response, governments and peoples around the globe started pledging loyalty and devotion to the Leader.

Shortly after these announcements, the Israeli government followed with an official statement of their own, declaring that they, and the Jewish religious authorities, refused to comply with the mandate to worship the Leader, whom they publicly referred to as a "beast." In response, the Leader and the Prophet both ordered that the Nation of Israel was no longer recognized, the government of Israel was abolished, Judaism was outlawed, and all Jews worldwide were to be hunted down and killed. In addition, they ordered that trials of the splinter Christian groups were to be suspended, and that all individuals from these groups who were currently incarcerated were to be executed immediately, and that anyone self-identifying as a religious Jew or Christian of any denomination or variety was to be summarily executed by any civil authority present. The Earth Gov forces already imbedded within Israel, having already fully integrated Israeli defenses under Earth Gov control as part of the Mid-East peace enforcement, began purging all Israelis from the region. Jews everywhere began fleeing from homes, schools, places of business, and anywhere they happened to be to try to find hiding places wherever possible. Within a matter of hours, Jerusalem was emptied and quiet as its Jewish population were either dead or had fled into the wilderness of the countryside, while non-Jews compliantly remained in their domiciles to allow Earth Gov forces to cleanse the city.

In the wake of these prior acts, Earth Gov announced that as a solution to the world's economic crisis, all loyal citizens of the alliance of nations under Earth Gov were required to receive a microchip imbedded in their right hand. This microchip would be used for civil identification as well as for transacting all commerce. All currency was being replaced with a new electronic Earth Gov credit system which would become the only legal method for transactions. Without this microchip, it would be impossible to buy or sell, or conduct any form of legal commercial transaction. In conjunction, Interfaith announced, through the Prophet, that all loyal citizens were required to receive a visible mark of loyalty to the Leader, either on their right hand or their forehead, and that by receiving this mark, they were declaring their affirmation that the Leader was the god of humanity. The Prophet also ordered that without accepting this visible mark, the microchip would not be implanted, making it impossible to buy, sell, or travel. Finally, the Prophet announced that if the mark and microchip weren't received, then it would be assumed that the person without them was a traitor and would be subject to immediate execution.

That concludes today's edition.

Day 5:

World News Update Today

The 144,000 Jewish witnesses, originally reported on two days ago, continue to elude all attempts at capture made by Earth Gov police forces. The latest reports indicate that they have dispersed throughout the world and continue to spread a message proclaiming that humanity should fear and glorify the God of Israel, and worship Him alone, and that the time of His judgment has come upon the earth. This message has been labeled as false, dangerous, seditious, anti-progressive, and anti-peace propaganda by government personnel.

The campaign to eliminate the subversive Christian and Jewish populations has intensified. Efforts are underway throughout the entire alliance of Earth Gov nations and other non-aligned states, which also recognize the danger, to eliminate these destructive threats to societal harmony once and for all. Anyone identifying with these two religions, as well as anyone who is identified as a biological descendant of the Hebrew race, is being arrested and sent for immediate public execution. These executions, some of which are beheadings, are being held around the clock and are being broadcast live to the world. In more remote locations, these insurgents are being eliminated immediately on site by local authorities at the moment they are captured and positively identified. Loyal citizens everywhere are being encouraged to report people in their community who claim Christian or Jewish religious belief, Jewish ancestry, or who refuse to pledge allegiance to the Leader or receive his mark. Reports of Jews fleeing from Palestine to neighboring Jordan for sanctuary in the wilderness are being investigated.

With the recent ecological turmoil from radiation and pollution, and the recent breakdown in health and medical supply channels, the spread of diseases of all sorts has become rampant all around the globe. A new skin disease is on the rise producing noxious odors and painful sores. It is recommended to avoid contact with the infected. Ecological devastation continues to wreak havoc on the oceans and waterways of the world causing more death among aquatic species. Entire nations are now reporting that they are completely devoid of natural aquatic life. Human populations in these areas are also at risk from contaminated water sources. The atmospheric pollution and other ecological devastation is causing rapid desertification. Climate change on an unimaginable scale is occurring and air pollution canopies are leading to overwhelming heat, darkness, and excessive drought in many areas. Even the once great river Euphrates has completely dried up. Some scientists are asserting that if things continue on this course, "no flesh will be saved."

Earth Gov officially confirmed in an announcement today what some have known and many have suspected for awhile now; we are not alone in the universe. In a live, global broadcast from Babylon, the Leader and the Prophet stood side-by-side with a tall, Nordic looking, human appearing man, whom they identified was from one of four extraterrestrial races comprising an interstellar confederation. Earth Gov then broadcast images of the three other alien races, one appearing reptilian, one appearing amphibian and almost frog-like, and one appearing like the large-eyed grey aliens whose images have been recognized throughout the world for many years now. The Prophet then asserted that these extraterrestrial races were the actual gods of old from many ancient earth cultures. The Leader then officially confirmed this confederation as the responsible party behind the large-scale disappearance of people from around the world five days ago. He declared that their removal was deemed necessary in order to facilitate the next leap forward in human evolution, and that these alien visitors were now making their presence known publicly in order to guide humanity along the path of progress at this critical stage. Then the Nordic looking alien declared in clear human speech, translated around the world, that the confederation of races has given its full support to the Leader, that they have selected him as their personal human representative on earth, and that humanity should trust him to lead earth into the future and into the galactic family of sentient beings. He also warned that there were still elements of humans that were hindering humanity from progressing, and that the Leader's campaign to eliminate these elements was essential, and needed the collective support of the world. At this point, the Leader announced that the aliens had been collecting DNA samples from humanity for years, and had engineered a hybrid race of beings from this DNA and that of the Nordic looking alien race. These hybrids have been named the HaGibborim, and they would be placed among the human society in key positions to help assist Earth Gov with its work of leading humanity. They would be recognizable by their height, generally one or two heads taller than the tallest humans, and also by the fact that they had six fingers and six toes on their hands and feet. The Leader also announced that, as an additional contribution to help humanity, the aliens would create human clones in order to help with replenishing the recently devastated population.

Following this announcement, the Leader ordered that all Earth Gov military forces not currently engaged in combat with China on the far eastern front were to assemble in Palestine, formerly Israel, around the area known as the Jezreel Valley, or the Valley of Megiddo. He stated this will become the staging area from which Earth Gov will search the Jordanian wilderness for Jewish insurgents. It will also be used as a command center to strengthen defenses and launch counter strikes against forces from China as they continue to advance through India, Russia, and other Asian states, both aligned and non-aligned, toward the heart of Earth Gov.

That concludes today's edition.

Day 6:

World News Update Today

A massive earthquake, unlike any experienced in the area before, rocked Palestine today, and destroyed many cities within, and also in the surrounding countries. Jerusalem itself was divided into three separate parts. Hills were leveled, and the Mediterranean flooded many coastal areas. The earthquake was accompanied by intense lightning, thunder, and a devastating hail storm.

The worldwide Earth Gov campaign, now being called the Leader's Holy Crusade, to wipe out humanity's enemies, specifically all the remaining Jews and Christians, continued today. Earth Gov representatives have estimated that, over the past three days, as many as two-thirds of all Jews have been "cut off" from the earth and have died. Military scouts have finally located the sanctuary to which many remaining Jews have fled in the wilderness area of Petra, near the location of the ancient city of Bozrah in what used to be ancient Edom, in present-day Jordan. The Leader has ordered Earth Gov military forces to continue to assemble in the Jezreel Valley in preparation for a final strike against this remnant.

The Leader's Advisory Council, comprised of 10 territorial rulers of member states from within the Earth Gov alliance, unanimously ordered the destruction of Vatican City and Rome which was carried out by Earth Gov forces today. They claimed the destruction of the iconic city was a symbolic act of human progress over tyranny because for centuries the religion of Rome had tried to dominate the world. Interfaith has been disbanded and the Prophet has ordained the Leader as the embodiment of all things worthy of human devotion.

That concludes today's edition.

Day 7:

World News Update Today

Babylon, the center of government and commerce for the allied nations of Earth Gov, was annihilated today by a nuclear detonation. The origin of the weapon is unknown, but China is rumored to have been responsible. Nothing at all remains of this once historically great and recently restored city. The entire world economy has completely collapsed. All global trade has ceased, and all currency has become worthless as the entire financial system has fallen like a house of cards.

The attempt to integrate the HaGibborim hybrid race into human society has failed. In the words of one observer, they tried to "mingle with the seed of men, but they did not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay." Likewise, the clones that were provided by the Leader's extraterrestrial supporters failed to benefit society in any capacity. Their behavior was reportedly incoherent, and in many cases crazed and violent, similar to people described as being possessed in old legends. Some of them even claimed to have lived in the ancient land of Canaan before the Israelite conquest, or even before the Biblical flood story.

The Leader's armies launched an assault today against the Jewish remnant that sought refuge in the wilderness area of Petra. It is reported that the Leader himself became troubled when he discovered that enemy forces on the eastern and northern fronts of China and Russia had broken through Earth Gov's defensive perimeter, and in a fury he ordered that the Jewish remnant was to be annihilated. In a surprising turn of events, when the advance elements of the Leader's forces reached Petra, they found the Jews praying to Jesus of Nazareth, the central figure of what was once the Christian religion, and proclaiming their acceptance of him as the Jewish Messiah, asking his forgiveness, and petitioning him to return and save them. According to reports, what followed is even more astonishing, as a rider on a white horse, followed by an army on white horses, seemed to appear from nowhere, as if descending from the heavens, and the rider began to slaughter the Earth Gov forces threatening the surviving remnant of Israel. This rider and his army followed the Leader's armies all the way back to the Valley of Megiddo, at which point the entirety of the Leader's armies made war with the rider and his army from the hills of Megiddo, or Armageddon as it would be called in Greek. This rider overcame the forces of Earth Gov and, by all reports, wiped them out completely. The rider then continued on to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, or the Kidron Valley, just outside of Jerusalem, and continued to annihilate the Leader's armies the entire way. In some places along the path from Petra to the Megiddo Valley to the Kidron Valley, blood from the slaughtered Earth Gov forces was as high as the bridles of the horses of the rider and his army. It has been reported that at some point during the battle, both the Leader and the Prophet were captured by this rider and his army. Their fate is not currently known by this agency.

As this edition is being finished, the latest information coming to us indicates that the rider on the white horse has arrived at the famous Mount of Olives outside of Jerusalem and is preparing to dismount and step down upon the mountain. We will bring you more information as this story continues to unfold.

That concludes today's edition.

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