Wednesday, January 27, 2016

In the Beginning (Genesis 1:1)

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." -Genesis 1:1 (King James Version)

When did this happen? In the beginning. The beginning of what? The beginning. The beginning of time. This is the start of time. Time began at the moment God started His work of creation. In essence, time was created. God created time along with everything else. This gives Biblical support to scientific concepts such as the "space-time continuum" and the observable, measurable nature of time as the fourth dimension, in addition to the three spatial dimensions of the physical universe. Science informs that time is a physical property and is subject to physical laws (laws of physics) such as mass, velocity, and acceleration. Time can be measured using other methods apart from the rotation of the earth on its axis (days) and its revolution around the sun (seasons and years). Time is not constant but can "speed up" or "slow down" depending upon a number of factors. The fact that God created time also indicates that He existed before time and exists outside of time. God existed before the beginning.

Who did the creating? God. The word used here for “God” in Hebrew is "'Elohiym" or "Elohim." This is the plural form of the Hebrew word "El" or "Eloah" which is the word for "God." So the passage states that God in plural form did the creating. This supports the Christian doctrine of the Trinity or Triune Godhead of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, further supported in Genesis 1:26 when God stated, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:” This is further supported in John 1:1-3 which states that “the Word” (a title for Jesus Christ) made all things. This is even further supported by Colossians 1:16 which clearly states that all things were created by and for Jesus Christ. Either way, it was God who did the creating.

What did God do here? God created. He created the heaven (“heavens” in other English translations such as the New King James, New International, and New American Standard) and the earth. All things were created by God. He did the creating. He was not created with all things as He created all things. He is not a created being. He is the Creator. He is before and superior to all things. All created things are therefore inferior to Him and owe their existence to Him. He is also the necessary thing as all things that exist were created by Him. He is the only necessary. This enters the philosophical realm of “ontology” and is the essence of the “Ontological Argument” of logical theology. He does not need anything, but all things need (or at the very least, needed) Him. According to Colossians 1:17, God (the Second Person of the Triune Godhead, God the Son) holds all things together, which means that all things still need Him in order to exist. Science informs that the “Strong Nuclear Force” is the force that holds atoms together, but the force functions by both attracting and repulsing nucleons depending upon distance. The models and equations are only partially empirical and based upon some phenomenological (somewhat philosophical) constants.

What did God create? The heaven (heavens) and the earth. The term heavens in the Bible is used for both the sky (atmosphere) and the stars (space). It is also used to refer to the dwelling place of God. The earth is the planet that humans dwell upon. So God created the earth and space and all therein. The earth and all objects in space consist of matter (atoms, molecules, periodic elements, etc.). So God created all the building blocks of the physical universe. These objects are observable and measurable by the three spatial dimensions (a combination of three of the following: breadth, depth, height, length, width). The fact that God created these things indicates that they did not always exist. Even Stephen Hawking stated that the universe has not existed forever, but had a beginning. (See the reference below.) God created the physical universe. We also already saw that He created the fourth physical dimension of time. Just as with time, this indicates that He existed before the physical universe and exists outside of the physical universe. This also implies the necessity of the existence of hyper-dimensions (more dimensions than the currently measurable three spatial and fourth time).

All that from one short verse, and the very first verse, of the Bible. To see more on this subject, including the full quote by Hawking and others, see my blog post “The Great Deception” from January, 2014.

Grace and peace to you.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Dispensationalism (Part 2 of 2)

[This is a continuation of my previous blog post, “Dispensationalism (Part 1 of 2).” Please read Part 1 for complete context.]

Progressive Revelation throughout the Dispensations:

As mentioned before, progressive revelation is the concept that God reveals Himself progressively, and in different ways, throughout time; or specifically regarding this study, throughout the dispensations. He speaks to mankind in different ways during different times. (1 Samuel 3:1, Hebrews 1:1-2) He chooses different people to be His representatives. His written Word is recorded in stages. His overall plan for humanity, and redemption of mankind and creation, is revealed progressively. People are held accountable to respond to His revelation as it unfolds.

In the age of Innocence, mankind had direct access to God and had the ability to converse directly with Him in the Garden. Theirs was an unspoiled relationship. Adam and Eve experienced the "the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day." (Genesis 3:8, NKJV, NASB) There was no need for an intermediary or a covering. There was no need for a written Word. Mankind knew God through direct relationship.

In the age of Conscience, we see that mankind still had some direct access to God in the examples of Cain and Abel, Enoch, and Noah. We see God speak directly to people like Cain, and Noah. But as mankind drifted away from God in their own sin, God pulled away from mankind. Access started to fade. Mankind, with some exceptions, had rejected God. But we still see some, perhaps limited (Cain and Abel offered sacrifices), direct access to God.

In the age of Human Government after the Flood, we don't see much interaction between mankind and God at all. After Noah and his sons, it seems that mankind drifted again from knowledge of, and relationship with, God. Their own sin was surely a barrier. The Tower of Babel may have been mankind's attempt to reach God, but on their own terms, not His. Again, we have little information from this period, but it seems that access to God and revelation from God was very limited, almost non-existent during this brief dispensation.

During the age of Promise, God chose to reveal Himself through calling specific individuals out of their circumstances and revealing Himself to them through visions and Christophanies (pre-incarnate appearances of Christ, the second Person of the Godhead/Trinity). We see the Angel of the Lord (a Christophany) make appearances to certain individuals. We see God make promises, or covenants with people like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We see God appear to, and speak with, Moses in varying forms. During this dispensation, mankind’s access to God was limited to His revelation of Himself to those whom He sovereignly chose. There are some examples of others who worshipped Him, perhaps through knowledge passed down from prior generations (such as Job).

During the age of Law, God chose to reveal Himself through specific Prophets and priests that He selected. We see God speak to people like Moses, and Joshua. He also began to reveal Himself through the written Word as the Law and the Old Testament were written. At times, His glory occupied the Holiest Place in the Tabernacle or the Temple. At times He appeared as a Theophany (pillar of fire or cloud) or a Christophany (the Angel of the Lord). In order to approach God during this age, mankind was to follow prescribed methods of cleansing and sacrifice contained in the Law. Access to knowledge about God came from the Prophets, the priests, or the portions of the Word of God that were written.

During the time of Christ's First Advent, God was revealed to mankind in the Person of Jesus. Mankind again had direct access to God in the Person of Jesus. God walked among men and spoke directly to them. The Word of God was being delivered through Jesus.

During the age of Grace (now), God reveals Himself through the written Word (both Old and New Testaments), the working of the Holy Spirit, and the testimony of the Church (Christians as Christ's representation on earth between His 1st and 2nd Advents). Mankind has access to knowledge about God through the Bible, and direct access to God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit after regeneration. This age is unique in that in previous ages (Promise, Law, etc.), the Holy Spirit worked by coming upon (Greek word "epi") someone to give them an ability, gift, inspiration, power, strength, etc., or by coming alongside (Greek word "para") someone to educate, enlighten, guide, protect, etc., but He did not indwell people. In the age of Grace we see a new work of the Holy Spirit by indwelling (Greek word "en") those who are reborn. He becomes the seal of God within the redeemed, and a deposit/down payment of God's promise to glorify the Bride of Christ, the Church. The Holy Spirit indwells us now (those who receive Him through faith in Christ), and as such, there are different expectations, accordingly.

During the Tribulation, the Church will have been removed, as will (I strongly believe) the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Mankind will have access to the knowledge of God through the written Word (although it might be hard to come by) and through other people who are His witnesses. The Holy Spirit will still work upon and alongside, but will no longer indwell. There will be two Witnesses (Prophets perhaps; Moses and Elijah perhaps) witnessing to the world, but only for part of the seven years. (Revelation 11:3-12) Things will be tough, but I believe many individuals will be saved, and ultimately the Nation of Israel will collectively accept their Messiah. As strange as it may sound, during the Tribulation, God will also reveal Himself, in part, through His judgements.

During the Millennial Kingdom, God will reveal Himself, first and foremost, again through the Person of Jesus, who will physically rule the earth from Jerusalem for 1000 years. He will also be revealed again through the written Word (the Bible), and through His saints of previous ages in resurrected form. I suspect we'll see some angelic activity as well. Mankind will again have direct access to God through the Person of Jesus, who will again walk and talk with mankind in physical presence.

During the New Heavens and New Earth (eternity future, if I may be permitted to use a not entirely accurate term), the redeemed of all ages will dwell eternally in the presence of God with unrestricted access and revelation from the source.

The Distinctiveness of Israel and the Church:

Now for one of my favorite topics: the distinctions between Israel and the Church. This is one of the key points of Dispensationalism. Contrast this concept with Replacement Theology, which I strongly believe is a heretical doctrine. Israel and the Church are two distinct groups of people, and the Bible clearly delineates between the two. Israel, the nation, not the man (Jacob) or the land (Canaan), was born during the dispensation of Promise and received its calling during the dispensation of Law. Israel are the Chosen People, God's Chosen People, the Apple of God's Eye. They are in a covenant relationship with Him; first the Abrahamic, then the Mosaic, and now the New (which replaced the Mosaic; not the same as Replacement Theology).

Let me clarify some points: Replacement Theology asserts that the Church has replaced Israel as God's chosen people and that all the promises of God made to Israel now belong to the Church. This is a false teaching. The New Covenant has replaced the Mosaic (Old) Covenant. This is Biblical. They are not the same thing. Israel still has its own place and its own destiny in God's prophetic program. Let me clarify some additional points: the Mosaic and the New Covenant both stem/originate from the Abrahamic Covenant. It is the source, the foundational promise of God, upon which we Christians build our faith. In the Abrahamic Covenant, God promised that a blessing would come from Abraham's loins (descendants) that would be a blessing for all the nations. (Genesis 12:3, Genesis 18:18, Genesis 22:18) This is the promise of Messiah; our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. That is why Paul says that the Church is grafted into the vine of Abraham. (Romans 11:17-18) It isn't because the Church or the Gentiles have replaced Israel, but because the promise of the Messiah, and the actual Messiah Himself (through whom we Christians, Jews and Gentiles alike, receive salvation), came from Abraham. Israel has access to the New Covenant, as do all people. One day, according to Biblical prophecy, corporate Israel will accept the New Covenant. (Zechariah 12:10, Zechariah 13:9, Matthew 23:39, Acts 3:19-21, Romans 11:25-26)

Israel, during the dispensation of Law, was called to be a nation set apart for God. They were called to be His light to the world. As you know from the Bible, they didn't always follow that calling. Israel has a specific part to play in God's plan; past, present, and future. Israel was prophesied to be dispersed and Jerusalem leveled (Daniel 9:26, Matthew 24:2, Mark 13:2, Luke 19:41-44), and then prophesied to be regathered in the land (Ezekiel 34:13, 36:24, 37:21; Deuteronomy 30:3; Isaiah 11:11-16, 43:6; Jeremiah 16:15, 23:3, 23:8, 29:14, 30:3, 30:18, 31:8-10, 32:37, 33:7; Amos 9:14-15), and we know from modern history that the regathering is happening. The Tribulation has a two-fold purpose in my mind: 1. To pour out God's judgment upon a world that has rejected Him and revels in its sin. 2. To bring the Nation of Israel to repentance and lead it to accept its Messiah.

Israel will one day (Millennial Kingdom) be the nation from which Jesus rules all nations, and Jerusalem will be His capital city. God made a promise to Abraham (and Isaac, and Jacob, and Moses, and David), and God keeps His promises. So the destiny for Israel is for the Kingdom to be restored under the Messiah that it finally accepts.

The Church is also a people group of God. It is the Body of Christ. It is the Bride of Christ. It doesn't need to purified, its members are already redeemed and declared righteous. It doesn't need to be led to repentance, its members have already repented and been reborn. It doesn't need to accept the Messiah, its members already have; that's how they become a part of the Church. Understand, I'm not talking about individual assemblies, or churches; I'm talking about the Church, the universal fellowship of the redeemed (true believers). There are plenty of people sitting in church buildings that need to repent and accept Jesus, but those people are not yet part of the Church (and may never be). This is part of why I do not believe that the Church goes through the tribulation. What would be the point? It isn't for them. Would you want your bride to go through such an event? I don't think Christ does either.

The Church, like Israel, is a group of people who are called out by God to be separate. The members of the Church, like Abraham and his descendants, are elected by God; we, like him and his children, did nothing to merit God's favor. We, like him (Abraham), simply responded to God's election by faith (which He gave us, by the way). Understanding sovereign election is a humbling thing. The Church is made up of people from all nations (Jews and Gentiles), unlike Israel which consisted specifically of Abraham’s descendants/lineage.

The Church technically originated at the beginning of the dispensation of Grace, although Jesus was laying the foundation during His first advent. The mission of the Church, similar to that of Israel, is to be God's light to the world. The Church is designed to be unique and peculiar from a secular perspective, as was Israel. Unlike Israel, the members of the Church are Christ's ambassadors/representatives until He returns. The Mosaic sacrifices were a foreshadowing of Christ's sacrifice. The Church is the representation of Christ. The Church was a mystery in the Old Testament, only hinted at but not really spoken of directly. (Ephesians 3:1-12, Ephesians 5:32) As I mentioned before, the Church is the only group of people that has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

The destiny of the Church is to rule and reign with Christ. We are called kings and priests in the Bible. Israel had separate lines for kings and priests; the two were not to mix roles. The only other people in the Bible who are called kings and priests are Jesus and Melchizedek (and many believe Melchizedek was a Christophany).

Matthew 22:1-14 contains the parable of the wedding feast. Many scholars see the groom as a representation of Jesus, the bride as the Church, and the guests who rejected the invitation as the Jews. The Church could also be represented by the guests who came, since the bride isn't specifically mentioned.

Revelation 19:6-9 contains the prophecy of the marriage supper of the Lamb. I have no doubt in this case that the groom is Christ and the bride is His Church. This is a corresponding picture to the parable and gives interpretive support. I suspect the guests at this wedding could be saints of other ages (OT saints, possibly Tribulation saints, etc.). Those could also be the guests who attend in the aforementioned passage (the parable).

Now, one final point of clarification; and this is where many people get confused so I will try to explain it clearly. There are people who are saved by grace through faith from all the different dispensations. The term saints can be used of all these people (and in fact the Bible uses it this way). A "saint" is simply a person who is justified by God; one who is declared righteous, or redeemed. Here's the (potentially) tricky part. God doesn't change. His method for salvation doesn't change. But the saints from different dispensations fall into different categories in regards to certain aspects of their calling, missions, roles in prophecy, etc. I have mentioned this in my other writings. There are different stages of progressive revelation throughout the different dispensations. As a result, there are varying degrees of knowledge regarding God and His plan available to the different groups of saints during the different dispensations. Likewise, God interacted differently with mankind during the different dispensations. For example, in the ages of Innocence, Conscience, Human Government, Promise, and to some extent Law, God appears to have spoken audibly to certain human beings. He doesn't do so now, but the Holy Spirit indwells saints of the Grace age, which He didn't do in previous dispensations. Likewise, it wasn't until the Grace age that the canon of Scripture was completed.

The Church is prophesied to return with Christ and reign with Him. The Tribulation saints (at least the martyrs) are prophesied to surround God's throne praising Him day and night. (Revelation 7:9-15) So there are different destinies for the saints of different ages, but we are all destined to be resurrected in new, perfect bodies, and be free from the presence of sin, and be with God and each other in the New Heavens and New Earth for eternity.

That concludes my brief description of Dispensationalism.

Thanks for reading. Grace and peace to you.

Dispensationalism (Part 1 of 2)

Introduction to Dispensationalism:

Dispensationalism is an interpretive view of studying the Bible. It makes the theological assertion that God has chosen to administer His dealings with humanity in different ways during different periods (dispensations), or ages, of time. This view does not assert that God changes. We know from His Word that His nature/character is immutable, or unchanging. (Malachi 3:6, James 1:17) This also does not assert that His method for justification of man changes; we know from His Word that people of all ages are justified (declared righteous) by His grace through their faith, and there is only one way whereby which mankind may be saved. (Genesis 15:6, Habakkuk 2:4, John 14:6, Acts 4:12, Galatians 3:11, Ephesians 2:8-9) But His chosen methods for communicating and dealing with the world and humanity do change from dispensation to dispensation. Also, His prescribed methods for mankind to relationally approach Him change from age to age. There is evidence of this all throughout the Bible.

I will provide three quick examples of changes in communication, methodology, and relational approach from one dispensation to the next.

The first, regarding communication, is the fact that God no longer communicates with people in an audible manner. In the Old Testament, we see numerous examples of God speaking to people audibly, whether it be in the Garden of Eden, from the burning bush, from the top of Mount Sinai, or in any other fashion contained therein. Today, this is no longer His method. God has spoken to mankind in ages past in different ways, and we now have His words recorded in His Word (the Bible). He speaks to us through the Bible. He also speaks to us through the Holy Spirit residing in our hearts (for those who have received Him) and in our minds (possible for all mankind). He can also speak to us through circumstances in life, or through the words of His people speaking forth the Word of God to us, or giving us guidance through their obedience to the Holy Spirit’s leading in their hearts and minds.

Some may question the assertion that God no longer speaks to mankind in an audible voice. Some may even use Paul the Apostle as evidence to the contrary. My response is as follows: Paul was an apostle. Biblically speaking, Paul was the last apostle, and the last one to whom Jesus spoke directly/audibly. (1 Corinthians 15:8) We are all disciples, but none of us are apostles. The Apostles were a limited group that lived during the time that Jesus was here during His first advent. Jesus (who is God), audibly spoke to the Apostles. Paul was the last apostle, and Jesus spoke to him on the road to Damascus. Now, some people may have a vision, or a dream, in which the Lord speaks to them while they sleep. My father had such a dream—it was the reason he became a believer. But he woke up from the dream and gave his life to Christ, and such a thing hasn't happened to him since. And it was a vision/dream. Paul's encounter was a vision too (albeit a waking one). Those with Paul heard a noise/voice, but not distinguishable words. (Acts 9:7, Acts 22:9) We just don’t see the writers of the New Testament claiming that God spoke to them audibly after Christ’s ascension (besides Paul). I'm not saying that God can't speak to people audibly now.  But if it happens, it isn't a common occurrence. In fact, Biblically speaking, I can't think of a time since Paul that it has happened outside of a vision/dream. The Apostle John had a vision after Paul's, in which Christ spoke to him and he recorded it as the Book of Revelation. I would be very cautious if someone stated to me that God had spoken to them audibly. I'd want to know what was said, and the first thing I'd do is compare it with the written Word (Scripture). If what they heard in anyway disagrees with or contradicts the Bible, then it wasn't God they heard. Be cautious of those kinds of things. It's not that I'm trying to limit God. I'm the first one to say that He's bigger than we think, and we can't put Him in a box. But I believe He gives us guidelines to help us know the real from the fake. Satan and his minions are great deceivers. If we know how God chooses to speak to us, then we can spot a fake when we see or hear one. The Apostles aren’t alive today. God (to the best of my knowledge) doesn’t speak to people audibly today; at least not generally or commonly. It’s just not His method during this current dispensation.

The second example of change from dispensation to dispensation, regarding methodology, is God’s use of Prophets. In the Old Testament, we see many times that God chose to speak through specific, individual Prophets, whom He had selected to be His voice to His people and the world. This is a method of communication that passed away when Jesus arrived on the scene and began His ministry. (Matthew 11:13, Luke 16:16) The gift of prophecy still exists (Romans 12:6, 1 Corinthians 12:10), but it is manifested in a different form. It is no longer about predicting the future in ways that are universally applicable to all mankind. Nor is it about providing new revelation from God that is universally applicable to all mankind. Now, it is used as a way to speak forth the written Word of God (the Bible), and/or to speak relevant truth into the lives of individuals as led by the Holy Spirit, in ways and messages that never contradict the written Word.

The third example, regarding relational approach, is the use of the sacrificial system provided for under the Mosaic Covenant, or the Law. In previous dispensations, or ages, if mankind wanted to maintain an active relationship with God, they were required to follow different methods than today. For example, during the time from the giving of the Mosaic Law after the Exodus of the Hebrew people from Egypt, all the way until the time of Jesus’ First Coming, if people wanted to relationally approach God, they had to offer animal sacrifices for their sins. This was required because God is holy and righteous, and mankind (after the Fall) is depraved and sinful by nature. The sacrifices were a covering for sin. We know they didn’t atone for (take away) the sin, only Jesus’ sacrifice has the power to do that. But it was the method for mankind to acknowledge and repent of their wickedness before a holy God. Of course, it also foreshadowed the eventual sacrifice of the Messiah. But today, mankind no longer needs to do this to maintain a relationship with their Creator, as Jesus has already paid the price for sin through His perfect sacrificial work. The Bible is very clear that mankind isn’t to approach God through animal sacrifices anymore. It won’t work. This was the prescribed method for different dispensations. (Hebrews 9:22, Hebrews 10:1-18)

Besides all these things, we observe throughout the different periods of time in the Bible different happenings; different actions of God, different behaviors of mankind, and different themes. These are all general observations attributed to the existence of what is referred to as the dispensational program of God.

Now, there are two key points of Dispensationalism that need to be discussed. They are the concepts of progressive revelation, and the distinctiveness of Israel and the Church. Progressive revelation is the concept that God reveals Himself and His plan (and communicates) progressively (and in different ways) through each of the dispensations. The distinctiveness of Israel and the Church is the theological assertion that the two people groups are distinct in God's Word, and that they occupy different places in prophecy, and that they each have distinct places, promises, and purposes; He has a different agenda for each. The major dispensations (and they can be sub-divided, organized, and categorized slightly differently) are: "Innocence" (Creation to the Fall), "Conscience" (Fall to the Flood), "Human Government" (Flood to the Tower of Babel and slightly beyond), "Promise" (Post-Tower of Babel, specifically from Abraham to Moses), "Law" (Moses to the 1st Advent/Coming of Christ), "Grace" (1st Advent to the 2nd Advent), and "Millennial Kingdom" (1000-year earthly reign of Christ). I also choose to add the “First Advent” (First Coming of Christ) as a separate dispensation in between Law and Grace. I also add the “7-year Tribulation” as a separate dispensation in between Grace and the Millennial Kingdom. I also add “New Heavens and New Earth” as a separate dispensation after Millennial Kingdom.

Now let's break some of these points down on a deeper level. I'll start with the dispensations themselves, then move onto progressive revelation, then to the distinctions between God's people, specifically Israel and the Church.

The Dispensations:

Innocence: After God created mankind, but before the Fall, mankind existed in a perfect state in the Garden of Eden. We don't know too much about what life was like for them. There were only two people, Adam and Eve. Their relationship together and with God was perfect; no disharmony. There was no sin. Their bodies were not subject to infirmity or death (there was no disease). Their environment was perfect—no pollutants, perfect nutrition, etc. They were naked and not ashamed. They probably didn't eat meat (vegetarians only). Animals were no threat to them. They might have even been able to communicate with animals. The earth was probably much different and may have even been surrounded by a canopy of water vapor and ice which would have provided for a higher oxygen content, filtered out harmful radiation from space (if such radiation even existed), and created a more moderate and balanced climate throughout the earth—but that is conjecture so I will avoid going further down that road. When they sinned through disobedience to God, all that perfection and harmony were shattered. The Bible tells us that not only did sin and death enter the world (causing disease and strife), but creation itself was cursed and became broken (perhaps the introduction of entropy?). (Genesis 3:17, Romans 5:12, Romans 8:19-22, 1 Corinthians 15:21) This dispensation ended at the Fall. We don't know how long it lasted.

Conscience: After the Fall, but before the Flood, mankind multiplied upon the earth through Adam and Eve and their descendants. As time went by, humanity drifted away from God to the point that their thoughts were "only evil continually." (Genesis 6:5, KJV, NKJV, NASB) Only Noah and his wife and sons and their wives were faithful. Nephilim were on the earth at this time too, and that situation had to be dealt with. So the Flood came and only Noah and his family survived with the animals on the Ark and those that lived in the water. Not only was the slate wiped clean regarding humanity, and the Nephilim destroyed, but the entire topography of the earth was most likely altered. After the Flood, God gave mankind permission to eat animals. (Genesis 9:3-4) God also promised never to destroy the earth with a flood again. This dispensation lasted about 1600 years, based upon Biblical texts.

Human Government: After the Flood, and until just after the nations were dispersed at the Tower of Babel, mankind again multiplied upon the earth through Noah's sons and their wives. Mankind again drifted away from God and in their arrogance decided to build a tower to heaven so as to reach up to God themselves. Very little is known of this period of time. God confused their languages at the Tower of Babel and the nations then dispersed throughout the earth. This period lasted about 200-300 years.

Promise: After the Tower of Babel but before the Exodus from Egypt, God called out Abraham and his descendants (specifically Isaac and then Jacob) and made promises to them about making them into a nation (Israel) and blessing the world through their descendants (sending the Messiah). The dispensation of Promise is sometimes referred to as the time of the Patriarchs (for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the 12 sons/tribes). During this period we see Lot and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. We see Ishmael split off from Abraham and the promise pass to Isaac. We see Esau split off from Isaac and the promise pass to Jacob. We see the Twelve Tribes of Israel begin with Jacob's twelve sons. We see Joseph go to Egypt. We see Israel eventually enslaved in Egypt. And we see the birth and maturing of Moses. This was the dispensation that gave us the Abrahamic Covenant. This period lasted about 600-700 years.

Law: After the Exodus from Egypt but before the Birth of Christ, Israel became established as a political nation in the land of Canaan. Moses received God's Law at Mount Sinai and gave it to the Israelites. During this dispensation, we see the 10 commandments, the 40 years of wilderness wandering, the conquest of Canaan, the period of the Judges, the establishment of the Monarchy, the dividing of the nation into north (Israel) and south (Judah), the exile (Assyria and Babylon), and eventually the regathering in the Land under Ezra and Nehemiah. This was the period of the Old Testament Prophets. This was also the period that gave us the Mosaic Covenant. Humanity received God's moral Law. We see the establishment of ancient Judaism through the sacrificial, and ceremonial regulations. We also see the construction of the Ark of the Covenant, the Tabernacle, and the Temple of Solomon. The Nephilim also appeared again in Canaan but were wiped out again, this time through the conquest of the Land by the Israelites under the command of God. This period lasted about 1500 years.

We have summarized approximately 4000 years of human history as recorded in the Bible at this point.

First Advent: This was the period when Jesus was on earth during His first coming. I think this should classify as its own dispensation for reasons I'll get into when we cover progressive revelation. This dispensation would be immediately after Law and immediately before Grace and would encompass a time span of approximately 33-36 years. This would have been from approximately 3 or 4 BC to approx. 32 AD. During this time we see the birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. In the Gospels, Jesus discussed the ending of the era prior to His ministry (the dispensation of the Law) when He stated in Matthew 11:13 and Luke 16:16 that the Law and the Prophets were until John (meaning John the Baptist, who is considered the last true Old Testament Prophet).

Grace: After the Ascension of Christ but before the 7-year Tribulation we see the dispensation of Grace. This is also referred to as the Age of Grace or the Church Age. It is the dispensation we are living in currently/today. It has been going on since approx. 32 AD, and we don't know how long it will last, but it will end when the Church is complete ("the fullness of the Gentiles has come in"; Romans 11:25, NKJV, NASB). This is, I believe, when the Rapture will occur. Some people believe this (the completion of the Church) happens after the 7-year Tribulation. I believe it happens before the 7-year Tribulation, and thus the 7-year Tribulation isn't part of the dispensation of Grace and requires its own dispensation. I will discuss more on this topic later in this writing. This dispensation (Grace) has seen the last almost 2000 years of human history unfold since the Ascension.

7-year Tribulation: Now we come to events yet future. The next dispensation, as I see it, is the 7-year Tribulation; also known as the Tribulation, the Great Tribulation, the 70th Week of Daniel/Daniel's 70th Week, the Day of the Lord, or the Time of Jacob's Trouble. Some scholars will state that the terms "Great Tribulation" and "Day of the Lord" are really only referencing the latter part of the seven years. Some will even assert that the term "Tribulation" should only be used in reference to the latter part. I like the term "Daniel's 70th Week" because it is understood by all scholars to refer to the entire 7-year period. The "Tribulation" is also commonly used by non-scholars to refer to the entire seven years as well, so that works for me. Many people include this 7-year period of time within the dispensation of Grace. I do not. I place it after. Why do I do this? For many reasons, some of which will be addressed later in this writing. Suffice it to say, this period of time has a completely different feel and tone to it than the Age of Grace. It is also the final week of Daniel’s prophecy of 70 Weeks (Daniel 9:24-27), and the other 69 weeks are not part of the Age of Grace. But what is the Tribulation? This is the dispensation spoken of in many places in the Bible that is a prophecy of a time yet future to us (I believe, as do most evangelical, premillennial theologians). It is a time that Israel is regathered in the Promised Land (after the dispersion under the Romans in 70 AD). It is a time that Israel, and God's people everywhere, are persecuted by the Beast (Antichrist). It is a literal 7-year period, as the Bible actually counts days in some prophetic descriptions of it. (Daniel 12:11-12, Revelation 11:2-3) It starts with a false hope of peace under a false messiah (the Beast) but turns into a holocaust twice as bad as Hitler's (Zechariah 13:8). It is also a time that God's judgment will be poured out upon the unbelieving world. It is also a time that Israel (collectively) will recognize Jesus as their Messiah and repent and petition Him to return, which He will do. (Zechariah 12:10, Zechariah 13:9, Matthew 23:39, Acts 3:19-21, Romans 11:25-26) This petitioning leads to the next dispensation, which is the Millennial Kingdom.

Millennial Kingdom: This dispensation is yet future, and starts immediately following the 7-year Tribulation. I, and most premillennial scholars, believe that this will be a literal 1000-year period of time. Christ will return to earth in the Second Advent (Second Coming) and restore the Nation of Israel, and will establish His throne in Jerusalem from which He will physically rule the earth for 1000 years. This will be a time of peace and prosperity for all nations and peoples. It is my belief, based upon Scripture, that the Church will return with Him and will rule the nations under His kingship. The Church will be in resurrected bodies, free from the presence of sin. Satan will be imprisoned by God during this time. At the end of the 1000 years, many people on earth will rebel (stirred up by Satan who will be let loose). (Revelation 20:7) This will usher in the Final Judgment of God and the establishment of the New Heavens and New Earth.

New Heavens and New Earth: Immediately following the Millennial Kingdom will be the Final Judgment. Immediately following that will be the establishment of the New Heavens and New Earth. This will be eternity. All things will be made new by God. This is generally what people are talking about when they talk about being in Heaven with God. We know very little about what things will like in Eternity. But we know it will be good.

This concludes my brief summary of the dispensations. Next we will look at progressive revelation and the distinctiveness of Israel and the Church as they relate to Dispensationalism.

[Continued in the blog post, “Dispensationalism (Part 2 of 2).”]