Tuesday, July 26, 2016

World History

Creating an accurate timeline of world history can be challenging at best because calendars change and records are incomplete. Even charting a timeline of human history using the Bible as a reference can be a challenge because we aren't always told people's ages when certain events occur. And when dates are referenced it can be difficult sometimes to reconcile with other texts due to calendar differences between societies and even changes in calendar systems within societies (for example, many calendars in the ancient world changed from 360-day years to 365-day years at some point, with leap days thrown in every four years, and in some cases leap months thrown in for some that retained the 360-day model).

However, honest Bible researchers and students can get a general idea of timelines from the information contained in the text. It is interesting to observe that, using solely the text of the Bible as a reference, about 6000 years have elapsed since the time of Adam and Eve until now. Here's the breakdown:

-Approx. 4000 BC/BCE: Adam & Eve
---About 2000 years elapse
-Approx. 2000 BC/BCE: Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob
---About 2000 years elapse
-Approx. 4/3 BC/BCE - 32 AD/CE: Jesus
---About 2000 years elapse
-Approx. now: Present time

So between Adam and the Hebrew Patriarchs was a time span of about 2000 years. From the time of the Hebrew Patriarchs until Jesus was about 2000 years. Since the time of Jesus until now has been about 2000 years. That's about 2000 years that God has used the Church as His instrument to reach the world, about 2000 years that He used the Nation of Israel as His instrument to reach the world, and about 2000 years that He used other methods. That's also about 6000 years total.

For the aspiring Biblical scholar, the number seven is a number that is recognized as significant in its use throughout the Bible. It is often referred to as the number of completion, Biblically speaking. If that use remains consistent, then 7000 total years could have some significance as well. And if we're about 6000 years into human history, Biblically speaking, and if there is to be a literal 1000-year reign of Christ upon earth before the final judgement and the new heavens and new earth are unveiled, as the "Premillennial" position asserts, then there could be some very interesting things happening in the near future.

Again, it is nearly impossible to be precise with timelines like this. The dates and years I've mentioned are only approximations. But they can give us a general outline and picture of about where we are in Biblical history, as well as a general concept of what might be around the corner, with certain interpretive and eschatological assumptions. However, I am convinced that God is very precise with His timing, and He knows exactly when things happened in the past (from the linear perspective of the time continuum we operate within in our present state) as well as the future (same qualification). He knows exactly when He will bring His prophecies to fulfillment, even if we don't know the exact "day or hour" (Matthew 24:36, Mark 13:32). But we are given signs to watch for, and told to be aware of the times, to know that the fulfillments of His plans are approaching.

Exciting times are ahead. Do you know your place in His plan? Do you want to? His Word is easily available in the western world, and I believe we will be held accountable for doing our due diligence to inform ourselves. Don't know where to start? Ask someone who does. You probably know someone you can ask, and might be thinking of them right now. Or ask me. I'll be happy to answer your questions or point you in the right direction.

Grace and peace.

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